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Leadership skills training

Leadership skills training – ‘Manager as Inspiring leader’ (MAIL)

Today’s highly competitive business environment demands that individuals and organizations perform at higher levels and with greater speed than ever before…but how do you achieve this?

By building great LEADERS who inspire others to work at their best while being innovative and future focused.

Dúchas Coaching, along with The International School of Coaching (TISOC), have designed the ‘Manager as Inspiring Leader’ (MAIL) programme for team leaders and employees alike who can apply it immediately to make dramatic improvements in their performance and overall results.

Who is this Leadership programme for?

Managers, executives, supervisors, human resource and other professionals who wish to learn advanced leadership and communication skills by learning to use coaching skills effectively.

Training Options

You and your staff can select from the following options:


TISOC Duchas coaching and training is licensed to deliver the programme and the training is accredited by The International School of Coaching (TISOC, Inc.)

This two-day, application oriented workshop is available as an open programme or ‘in house’ at companies and covers the coaching model, core values, critical skills and characteristics of coaching. Participants actively learn to apply key coaching skills to their everyday work situation through very specific case studies, demonstrations, and participation. This combination of live training and ongoing coaching results in both skill acquisition and skill implementation and increases productivity by up to 80% more than by training alone.

To facilitate this experiential approach, the course is confined to 8 – 10 participants, is led by 2 qualified coaches and also includes two 2 hour follow up coaching sessions to consolidate learning on return to the workplace. While training is an “event”, coaching is a process, which is a valuable next step to insure that the new knowledge imparted, actually becomes learned behavior.

Benefits of MAIL: Manager as Inspiring Leader training

“Managers who attend our programme start seeing major changes in the cooperation they receive. Those they manage start to work as a team, and productivity increases dramatically.”
Patricia Ryall, Principal

  • Equips participants with the critical skills required to move from just managing to leadership using effective coaching skills.
  • Removes the element of chance from haphazard coaching and equips managers with a clear picture of just what performance excellence coaching is.
  • Participants have greater confidence and better skills and tools needed to coach positively in the workplace.
  • Participants take greater personal responsibility for their own results and development and will be better at inspiring and motivating their staff to improve results and profitability.
  • Two 2 hour coaching sessions for each participant consolidates learning and deals with any specific issues in their workplace.
  • Team participation and productivity will increase and morale will improve.


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