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Personal Coaching – Transitions

Transitions may include Career change, Work and financial changes and Personal changes.

Career change

People with a big career decision to make
People making a career transition
People struggling with the decision of whether to stay in a corporate job
Determining ones readiness to set up their own business

Work and financial changes

E.g. being laid off, changes within your organisation, increase or decrease in income, taking on new loans or mortgages, or maybe discovering that career advancement is blocked.

Personal changes

Experiencing notable success or failure, relationship changes, getting married or having a child, returning to study, or maybe experiencing inner changes such as changes in self image or values; the discovery of a new dream or the abandonment of a old one or just the feeling that things are shifting and you are changing without quite knowing why.

Changes in Environment

Recently arrived expat, moving to a new town, moving house or anything that changed the quality of surroundings.

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