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Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching for Leadership

Dúchas Personal Coaching
 Executive Coaching is aimed at individuals and teams that wish to excel by developing more rapidly and produce more satisfying results. Today, executive coaching is more relevant than ever as a generation of leaders is being severely tested.

One bad decision, even one bad attitude in top management can cost people their jobs. That’s why executive coaching is essential for leaders at every level.

As leaders look to improve their organizations, they must pay particular attention to developing those who will follow them and to creating new rising stars. Executive coaching is designed to aid those transitions.

“Executive Coaching is contracted for the benefit of the client who is accountable for highly complex decisions with a wide scope of impact on the organisation and industry as a whole. The focus is generally on organisational performance or development but because coaching involves people, it generally involves a personal focus.”

Our Services

We provide services for business teams, professionals and private clients.


…Of particular interest was the skillful way Ms. Ryall used to focus my thoughts and by probing certain issues, identified gaps and weaker areas which we then addressed. By working on these weaker areas through an agreed framework, my confidence in decision making, leadership and change management at a senior level in a complex environment improved immensely…
Nora Kaye, Senior Executive Officer

The primary benefits of Executive coaching are

Improved decision making of senior employees. For senior level employees it can be “lonely at the top” as they have few people they can confide in, develop ideas and discuss decisions. A coach can be used to provide a “safe and objective haven” to discuss issues and give support (Masciarelli 1999)
Support for future leaders or senior executives. Senior managers or executives being groomed for leadership roles may be hesitant to attend training courses. In this situation coaching can be a suitable intervention as it is confidential, personal and a “safe” development option where the individual is using an objective, external person to help them with their development.
Improved individual and team performance. Coaching can deliver significant and long-term improvements in individual’s performance i.e. future performance will greatly exceed current performance which can be translated into business benefits
Bottom line results including profit, customer service and competitiveness.
Development of people for the next level. There is an increasing trend for individuals to take greater responsibility for their personal and professional development. With the decline of “jobs for life”, employees can no longer rely on employers to provide them with all their career development needs. If individuals are to take responsibility, they need support which coaching can supply. (CIPD 2004)
Support for newly promoted individuals. Organisational downsizing and the resulting flatter structures mean that newly promoted individuals often have to make large step changes in skills, responsibilities and performance. Coaching can support these individuals in achieving the changes needed.
Embrace change with ease. Performing well in a rapidly evolving business environment. The fast pace of business alongside significant time pressures mean that dealing with change is becoming an everyday challenge making the ability to learn and adapt quickly an essential skill.
Lifelong Learning. There is a growing need for organisations and individuals to change and keep changing in order to keep up with a fast paced, turbulent world market. Coaching has the adaptability to support more employees through these changes.
Organisational Change. Periods of major organisational change can require significant shifts in behaviour and attitudes of some employees. Coaching can help individuals make the necessary changes.
Changes in job role. Coaching can help individuals who are moving to a new job that requires different skills and abilities.
Dealing with diverse development needs. The unique relationship between the coach and client allows them to quickly work on developing the individual’s potential, dealing with poor interpersonal skills, improving conflict management skills, working on succession and developing direct reports and developing strategic thinking and new skills needed due to a change in role.
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